Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Want to Write a Poem

I want to write a poem
about where my heart has gone.
It's buried in a building that I walk past everyday,
of lifeless in a hospital, a place I never made.

I want to write a poem about how pain it comes in waves,
and love it comes and goes away
though never far from where you chose to leave it.

I want to write a poem about purpose and forgiveness,
about hope and future promise,
about the day when the things I need are cherished gifts sent right to me.

I want to write a poem about excitement, about sorrow, about the life I'll lead tomorrow and the prayer I have that I will lead it right.

I want to write a poem about belief in things I can't yet see,
the reasons for the pain I feel and the lack of guarantees in life that make it what it is.

I want to write a poem that so eloquently speaks of love and life and pain and strife, of loss and grief, of sin and man's chief end. I want to be creative, but this is all I've got. I want to be amazing but perhaps it's not my lot. I want to live for you and to understand your plan,
and not be left uneven and alone upon this sinking sand.

And so I'll write a poem, someday down the road. Perhaps someone will read it, perhaps I'll never know.

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